NOTE: Pick-up changes a little bit every year as we make improvements and incorporate members suggestions into the process. In general, however, this is a good description of how it works. Each new season, a week or two before our first pick-up we send our members a series of orientation emails that explains the pick-up process and answers other important questions about how the CSA works.
Each Tuesday morning throughout the pick-up season, you will receive our weekly newsletter describing what is in the share that week, providing preparation and storage tips and, best of all you will get a weekly message from one of the farmers updating you on what is happening at their farm. Then, on Wednesday from Noon to 6:30pm you can pick-up your share. Here is how the pick-up works:
Be sure to bring a bag or box for your share. Better yet, buy one of our awesome Muddy Boots Tote Bags for just $10!
Come on in!
The first station you will come to is sign-in.
Each week, please check your name off of the checksheet.
Today’s share will be listed on the large clhalkboard in the back of the room.
The pick-up is set up in a clockwise fashion. After you sign-in, go to the beginning of the semi-circle of produce. Don’t worry if you can’t read the board at the back of the room. Each station will tell you exactly what you need to take.
Be careful to read the quantity for the correct share size.
Sam is always available to help and to answer any questions you may have.
Sometimes you will be instructed to take a bunch, sometimes you will take a specific number of items and other times you will weigh the produce out. Think “ish” when weighing. It is hard to weigh things out perfectly. A little under or over is going to happen. However, if everyone weighs their produce over what it should be, we will run out of those items by the end of the day. So, please be careful.
We should have herbs for most of the next several weeks. You can mix and match – a little cilantro, a little parsley. It is your choice.
There are scales throughout the pick-up area – hopefully enough to eliminate congestion at the weighing areas.
If you have purchased a Dairy Add-On, please remember to take you dairy share. The cooler is in the middle of the circle. If you don’t have a diary add-on, but would like one, please contact Robin and she will get you set up at a pro-rated amount of $7.50 a week.
Aaron will be around too. Not sure of how to cook something – he will likely have lots of ideas! He is a great cook as well as a Rock Star Farmer.
At the end of the circle is our sale area. You will find breads and salad dressings from Green Rabbit Bakery, a selection of local fruit, dried beans from Vermont Bean Crafters and additional produce.
Payment for items from the sale table is an honor system. Put your money in the kettle, make your own change or pay by check (made out to Aaron Locker).
Peperonata is braised sweet peppers and onions and once you understand the technique, you can play around adding other veggies with new and equally delicious…