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Radishes are a humble little veggie that are quick to grow and withstand colder temperatures – hence, they are a natural for early season shares.

While radishes are great to eat alone with a little salt or in a green salad, you can easily make them into a lunch or side for dinner with just a little work – and it will make you look at radishes in a whole new way!

A simple French lunch – The French LOVE radishes and often eat them spread with butter and sprinkled with salt.  Take that idea one step further by spreading some Ploughgate Butter on some Green Rabbit Levain.  Add sliced radishes and sprinkle with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.  While you don’t need it, here is a recipe from Saveur Magazine.

I didn’t know that you could eat radish greens and how delicious they were until I had a salad at Hen of the Wood that was simple french breakfast radishes with their greens attached tossed with a vinaigrette.  The greens are a little peppery and it makes a beautiful first course.

If you want a little fancier salad, grab a bag of baby spinach from this week’s share and make this salad of spinach, radishes and goat cheese.

Here is a grain salad from Food 52 that features radishes and has a great balance between the chewy grain, crisp radish, bright herbs and sweet dried cranberries and raisins.  Pick arugula as this week’s green, because it is called for in this salad.  I love this recipe because you can substitute many different grains – perhaps you have one or more of these in your cupboard?



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