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Walla Walla Sweet Onions – Move Over Vidalias!

Unlike the yellow onions we got last week in our shares, these onions will be sweet with a mild onion flavor. They are similar to Vidalia onions and are intended to be eaten shortly after harvest rather than stored for use several months later. In fact, they do not store well. If your kids don’t like onions because they are too hot and pungent, walla walla sweets could be the gateway to their appreciating the allium family.

Closeup of fresh white walla walla sweet onion bulbs with green stems for sale at an outdoor farmers' market.
Closeup of fresh white walla walla sweet onion bulbs with green stems for sale at an outdoor farmers’ market.

Put a big Walla Walla slab of onion on your burger along with a slice of tomato or add them to a salad raw. Go ahead, they are sweet and add a nice crunch without being over-powering.

This Walla Walla Sweet Onion and Beet Salad gives equal billing to the two main veggies in the dish and makes use of two of the items in our share this week. Use the beet tops in place of the called for “wild green mixture.”

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