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New Potatoes – Lovingly grown and “tested” by Justin

Justin LOVES potatoes – any kind!  New, storage, white, gold and sweet.  He is our potato guy.  This week he has a nice combination reds and yellows.  He assured me that they are great because of the extensive “testing” he has been doing over the past two weeks.  (Someone has to do it!)

If you are new to “NEW” potatoes, you are in for a treat!  New potatoes are freshly dug and haven’t been cured for storage.  This is why you want to eat them soon!  You will be rewarded with a flavor unlike the potatoes you eat most of the year.  New potatoes are more moist than storage potatoes and as a result are creamier and have an earthy flavor.  Their skins are very thin so don’t peel them.  Instead, just give them a light scrub.

With all of the flavor and the delicate texture of new potatoes, you don’t need to do much to them.  Steam the potatoes whole (new potatoes cook faster than you think) and then quickly toss them with an herb butter before serving with a generous sprinkle of salt.  Here is a recipe from the LA Times that will make the most of these jewels.

New potato
New potato

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